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Edith and I will be attending the Independence County Retired Teachers meeting at Kelley-Wyatt's in Batesville on Wednesday, October 11th beginning at 11:30 a.m. I will be speaking about Back to Bremen and the events leading up to its publication. Afterward, Edith and I will be greeting attendees and will sign copies of the book available for purchase.

The Fairfield Bay Rotary Club has asked me to speak on Wednesday, September 27th at their noon meeting. If you're in the area, please come hear the story behind the non-fiction WWII book, "BackToBremen." As the author, I'll be taking questions after the presentation, and don't miss this great opportunity to meet Edith Röpke Harris, whose childhood in Nazi Germany is the basis for the story. AND, afterward, we'll be at the Fairfield Bay Library from 2:00-4:00 for a book signing. We look forward to talking to you all in Van Buren County.

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